I never do any “this is what I did today” posts because frankly, unless you’re Beyoncé, nobody wants to see that shit. But a) I haven’t actually written anything in a while and I’m worried I’ve lost touch with the English language and b) tomorrow is Day 1 of The Longchamp Life… Again.
What is said Longchamp Life? It’s where you have to carry so much shit around in your handbag that only those super-strong, super-large Longchamps fit the bill. I.e.: back to Uni.
It’s going to be very strange going back; firstly because aside from a brief meeting last week, I haven’t set foot on the UoB campus for a very long time, thanks to my year abroad. Secondly, it’s final year, which means the lifestyle of eating out on a daily basis, shopping for a career and having time to make myself look socially acceptable also ends here… And thirdly, because I actually spent a fair bit of time working in my future career role this summer, so it feels like I’m going back to basics of sorts.
Speaking of which, this summer has been absolutely insane, and has seemed to last an eternity. It started on 21 June, when I finished my last exam in Paris, flew home that afternoon and within hours had started a 2-week Vacation Placement (similar to an internship) with my now future employer. Since then I’ve been back to Paris twice, been to Italy, Bruges (which I would not recommend unless you’re an alcoholic or a nun) and Tenerife (would not recommend unless you’re an alcoholic or… probably not a nun), spent a month busting my ass in Corporate Real Estate, been to London a gazillion times and spent wwwwwway too much money for someone who doesn’t actually have a job! I turned 22 earlier this month which, apart from having that fucking Taylor Swift song in my head all day, was only really a reminder of how quickly time is slipping away.
Regardless, I could not be happier at the moment nor more prepared to nail final year (I say that, I’m currently hanging out my arse after some birthday celebrations so may be moving slowly tomorrow). And by the grace of some godly entity I managed to secure the equivalent of a grad job, so I’m very lucky to not have to worry about applications at all. So unless WWIII kicks off, I’ve got no excuses not to graft here.
Like I said I really do hate writing unless I have a point to make or somebody to piss off, but just this once, just because I am in a really good place right now, I don’t think I have anything to preach about. That being said, remember kids: good things never ever come to the mugs who wait. Good things come to those who go get ’em. For anyone thinking about going to Uni at this time, DON’T unless you’ve got a 5-year plan to go with it. It’s a lot of money to spend on something you’re unsure about. For anyone going back to Uni… I feel your fucking pain. But put in work, remember your goals, prioritise. For anyone who might be having a shit time in general right now, everything is possible if you take yourself out of your comfort zone.
Finally, here’s London looking bloody gorgeous. If ever there were a place to make you want to get out of bed in the mornings and go be inspired, it’s our dearest capital. I snapped this at a meal in the Shard with some friends about a week ago (week a- no, on seconds thoughts I won’t take it there). It was after a lovely weekend at LFW. We were eating amazing food, listening to some perfect jazz and it was just a really, really happy moment.
Peace up, A-Town down.