Cheers to the ordinary man. To the normal woman. To the ones that have made mistakes, and that have never said “never regret anything” because they do, because it eats away at them. To the ones that have felt real, harrowing, parasitical emotion that paralyses and distorts all notion of what is right and good. To the ones that have felt embarrassed, and ashamed and guilty. To the ones that have repented. To the ones that have been forgiven. To the ones that have suddenly and beautifully risen from the fragments of a broken life and proudly looked shame in the face and even more proudly swept that black and ugly face away and taken a first resplendent step towards normality once more. To the ones that have been through too much to care when their hair is out of place or what is and isn’t the in-thing. To the ones that will love, always love above everything with the ferocity of a thousand burning stars because they know what it is to feel no love. To the ordinary man. To the normal woman. Cheers. We salute you.