Confessions of the New Kid on the Cul de Sac

I NEVER WRITE ANY MORE. I mean, I write - but I don't blog. But I never wanted to be a 'lifestyle blogger', not really. I always found that those sites could get a little washed-out, with a tendency to mull over the same topics in different shades of dusty pink. Or are we still doing khaki? Anyway. The point is, unless I had something worth writing about I would never just sit down and write for t[...]
  • Portraits
  • Portraits


Portraits. Of two of the most influential humans in my life. My grandmother, who is insanely generous, empathetic and artistic, and my grandfather, the walking genius and, to quote a good friend of mine, "the best thing to come out of Limoges since porcelain". Shot by me, in their 'natural habitats'. It's difficult to appreciate when you don't know them I guess, but these pictures really are perfect[...]


You know those days - usually on a weekend - when you wake up and think "screw it. I'm going for a run"? And you bounce out of bed, throw on your favourite Nikes, pick a suitable soundtrack and you're off, feeling full of vitality, full of life. You've gone for a difficult route today but hey, you're young, you're ready. You can do this. You're into the first kilometre now. Jesus, you should have st[...]


I took a seat next to an old man, a large old man, so large in fact he seemed to be melting over the sides of the scrawny metal chair tentatively supporting him. As I sat down I was aware of a familiar smell of pipe tobacco. Together, but in silence, we watched the LED board and listened as numbers 113, 114 and so on were called forward by the Tannoy. He was number 132, and he'd got his ticket at 9:42a[...]
  • A little lens love
  • A little lens love
  • A little lens love
  • A little lens love
  • A little lens love
  • A little lens love

A little lens love

Whenever I take my camera out I find myself frustrated. I've got a 50mm lens on a Canon 600d. I don't know all the technicalities but I know it has a crop sensor, which means that the 50mm is extremely zoomed in. Moreover, the lens I've got has a very slow autofocus, meaning I more or less always shoot manual. All in all it makes it very hard to shoot things ad hoc - you really need to stand back and b[...]

Cherry Wine

I keep trying to write about this one thing, this one aspect of life, and every time I run out of words or feel as though the post is too angry, or pointless, or just a moan. But I keep, keep coming back to it. So apologies if this is poor quality, but it's going to have to happen at some point. It's about growing up, and realising just how much pain there is in the world. I don't mean third world c[...]

We Salute You

Cheers to the ordinary man. To the normal woman. To the ones that have made mistakes, and that have never said "never regret anything" because they do, because it eats away at them. To the ones that have felt real, harrowing, parasitical emotion that paralyses and distorts all notion of what is right and good. To the ones that have felt embarrassed, and ashamed and guilty. To the ones that have repente[...]
  • The One About The Coffee
  • The One About The Coffee
  • The One About The Coffee
  • The One About The Coffee
  • The One About The Coffee
  • The One About The Coffee
  • The One About The Coffee
  • The One About The Coffee
  • The One About The Coffee

The One About The Coffee

Aren't life's little coincidences odd? I was just about to post this when I realised that my first blog was around this time last year. So I went back and had a look (read it here, if you like. It's not particularly riveting, mind you). In the final paragraph, I wrote: "From here on out I intend to be blogging and blawging about current affairs, Things That Piss Me Off, Things That Didn’t Piss Me[...]

Mini hoovers and mild sexism on a Monday

My other half has a strange obsession with a number of odd websites. The first is which, whilst sounding like a mild porn website, is actually a haven for camera nerds that in particular provides riveting YouTube videos of really interesting men unwrapping really interesting packages that contain really interesting tripods, for example. Really. Interesting.continue reading[...]