


Every so often I'll nip over to Paris quite early on a Saturday morning to see my grandparents, to shop and to eat, of course. I head home on the 14:50 flight back to Birmingham in time for work on a Monday. This weekend just gone, Noel was in Paris to check out the store that Gymshark are going to be using for their Paris pop-up in October, so I flew out to meet him on Saturday morning and we had a li[...]

Sunny Sunday: Bourton-on-the-Water

We first went down to the Cotswolds for Noel's birthday last year. To be honest, I had no idea what to expect, but I certainly wasn't expecting to absolutely fall in love with the area - particularly seeing as the weather was less than inviting! We spent the weekend in Burford, dosing up on carbs, cute pubs, strolls around endless chocolate-box villages and stoking the log fire in our AirBnB.  [...]

The Bali Diaries: Part 1 | The Culture Shock

OK so – before we start, it’s probably fair to point out that we didn’t go any further north in Bali than Ubud, and were only there for 9 nights. So if you’re looking for an ultimate Bali travel guide – this isn’t it! What this is, is our opinion on this bloody wonderful place from our relatively whistle-stop tour.   I’ll be honest. First impressions? Eeeeeeeeek… Not so gre[...]